
Die customweb GmbH hatte die Implementation der PostFinance Schnittstelle schnell, unkompliziert und dazu noch preiswert in unserem Onlineshop www.luftentfeuchter-shop.ch, integriert. Dies erlaubte es uns auf unser Kerngeschäft zu konzentrieren. Erstaunlich war auch, dass unser Shop während der Implementation immer online war und uns dadurch keine Umsätze entgingen. Wenn es um E-Payment Integration geht, so kann ich customweb bestens empfehlen.

Robert Aeschbacher, Geschäftsführer (luftentfeuchter-Shop.ch)

Thu, 03/12/2015

Second Place for customweb Ltd in the category „relative position increase“

Winterthur, 12. March 2015

The Stellenschafferpreis from the region Winterthur was awarded fort he 11th time. It awards companies around Winterthur, which created the most positions in the region. All oft the companies together created around 180 new jobs during the last year.

We are glad to be on the winners’ podium once again. After the first place, which we won last year, customweb won this year the second place in the category „relative position increase“ with 72.73% position increase. In absolute numbers: The positions increased from 5.5 to 9.5 positions during 2014.


Stellenschafferpreis, Winterthur, jobs